Durex is having more
than 80 years of experience of manufacturing condoms. So it's hardly
surprising that Durex condoms are the world's
leading condoms.
All Durex
condoms use only fine quality raw materials. And
every single Durex condom is electronically
tested for holes and imperfections. Durex condoms lead the way
in innovation too.
means that all standard Durex condoms are now 'easy on'
allowing them to be easy and quick to put on and more
comfortable to wear.
quality tests do Durex condoms go through?
Every Durex
condom is electronically tested to ensure it's up to the job.
random sample of condoms is also taken from each batch for more rigorous
quality tests.
measuring thickness and length, samples go through the air inflation test to
check for burst strength and elasticity (typically a Durex
condom can hold 40 liters of air without bursting).
leak testing is also carried out.
condoms are filled with water - suspended for one minute and rolled on blotting
paper which shows up any leakage.
two million water tests are carried out every month in Durex
condom factories.
the sample fails any of the tests, the whole batch is rejected!
quality standards do Durex condoms meet?
condoms set the quality standard around the world, by meeting or
beating all national and international standards.
has even upgraded the requirements for the Durex
condom Quality symbol to make sure it continue to stay ahead of
regulatory standards.
an example…
international standard for the air burst test is for the condom to contain 18
liters of air. But our requirement is for 22 liters - and typically a Durex
condom will expand to contain 40 liters of air.